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September Chapter Convocation
Tuesday 3rd September was White Ensign Chapter’s final convocation prior to the installation convocation in December so it required that the 3 Principals for the ensuing year to be declared. The Chapter was opened by the 3 Principals, E.Comp Martin Green (Z), E.Comp Mike Sycamore (standing in as H) and E.Comp Glyn Cardy (J). The following lectures have to be delivered at least once a year within the Chapter and each of them being well delivered:
- Mystical lecture – Z
- Symbolical lecture – H
- Historical lecture – by the PSoj Comp. Steve Moody
As there was no requirement to conduct a ballot on this occasion, the following Companions were declared as the Principals for installation in December:
- E.Comp Ian Fothergill (Z)
- E.Comp Len Venables (H)
- Comp. Steve Moody (J)
The Treasurer being E.Comp Tom Kennedy and the Guest Janitor E.Comp Tom Fisher.
On conclusion of the remaining business, the chapter was closed by the 3 Principals. The Companions duly retired to the Festive Board, where £87 was collected for charity.
Welcome new Exaltee
Tuesday 4th June saw the Exaltation of Bro. Keith Roberts, a Master Mason in Forge Mill Lodge into White Ensign Chapter.
The Chapter was opened by the 3 Principals, E.Comp Martin Green (Z), E.Comp Mike Sycamore (standing in as H) and E.Comp Glyn Cardy (J). The Chapter was honoured to have in our midst the Past MEGS of Worcestershire, E.Comp Jon Phenix who presented the Grand Chapter Certificate to Comp. Mike Tonkin and also provided an explanation of it. On conclusion of the presentation, a ballot was conducted for the Exaltation of Bro. Keith Roberts. The ballot proving successful, the Exaltation ceremony commenced for Bro. Keith Roberts. The Principal Sojourner Comp. Steve Moody did a superb piece of work delivering his ritual during the Ceremony.
The convocation was concluded with the greetings from the visitors and the Chapter was duly closed by the 3 Principals. The Companions retired to the Festive Board and the following amounts were raised for Charity:
Alms collection – £150
Raffle – £150

Father & Son Double Passing Ceremony
On Friday 31st May there was a unique event occurred in the lodge, a double Passing Ceremony for Father and Son; Bro. Neil and Greg Cramb. The lodge being duly formed, it was opened by W.Bro Martin Carver before handing over the gavel to W.Bro David Crump to conduct the ceremony. Both candidates being tested and entrusted with the pass grip and word separately before retiring from the lodge room. Whilst the candidates were suitably prepared, the lodge opened in the second degree. W.Bro Ian Hart acted as the Senior Deacon for the ceremony. The candidates progressed through the Passing ceremony and prior to them leaving the lodge room, Bro. Paul Tuckley delivered the extended version of the 2nd Degree Working Tools. The gavel was passed back to W.Bro Martin Carver. On recommencement of the ceremony, W.Bro David Crump delivered the extended 2nd Degree Tracing Board lecture to the candidates and brethren in a fine manner. On completion the lodge was closed in the second degree and reopened in the first. The remaining business of the evening was concluded, and W.Bro Tom Kennedy piped ‘ Cooks to the Galley’ and the lodge was then closed by W.Bro Martin Carver.
The assembled brethren duly retired to get liquid refreshment before heading into the festive board. The festive board being congenial as usual. The following amounts were raised during the evening:
Fines collected by the Naval (Masonic) Shore Patrol – £29
Alms collection – £170
Raffle – £125
Grand total of £324 which was donated to the ‘Support a Commando Campaign’