The Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Glyn Cardy, together with Lodge Membership Officer, W.Bro. Les Leek will be travelling to Maastricht,
Holland on Friday 1st July at the invitation of one of our Reserve Squadron Members, W.Bro. Gordon Hewitt who is the Senior Past Master of General John J Pershing Lodge No 307, a British military lodge in Maastricht. They will be travelling on the Eurotunnel with another Reserve Squadron Member, W.Bro. Jim Crawford of the Knights of Malta Lodge No. 50, and a joining member of White Ensign, Bro. Bobby Singh Gill.
The General John J Pershing Lodge has its Installation Meeting on Saturday 2nd July in splendid surroundings in Maastricht followed by a magnificent Dutch banquet where all the lodge ladies and partners are always invited.