On Tuesday evening 1st September the Chapter was due to hold its Regular Convocation at Redditch. Unfortunately due to the Covid-19 restrictions, the Companions had all apologised for non-attendance. This means that our June Convocation which could not be held and with this one Abandoned due to being unable to form a quorum it was necessary to organise a Virtual Business Meeting to ensure that certain administrative requirements could be conducted. Some 12 Companions were in attendance with apologies having been received and recorded from the remainder.
In essence, this meant that the current Principals and the Treasurer were all Declared to remain in office for a further year, subject to there being any significant changes in the current situation. This will require us to obtain a Dispensation for our MEZ to remain in office for a 3rd year.
The Minutes of the December 2019 Convocation and the June cancellation were approved by all present.
Scribe E reported that we had received 2 Resignations, one of whom had been made an Honorary Member and the other very generously donated his Chapter account monies to our Charity Fund.
The Charity Steward gave an up to date summary of our Charity Account, including this generous donation and it was agreed to place £100 with the RMCO. It was also established that Companions should consider suggesting donations to local charities before Christmas.
The Treasurer, in giving his report, stated that the Chapter’s finances were in good order and he asked the established Auditors if they were willing to conduct the audit in November and that was agreed.
The Almoner gave his report and it was good to see one of our Companions, who had been in sickbay, attending this meeting and stating that he was making good but slow progress.
There being no further business the meeting was closed with the hope that our December Convocation may be able to take place.