Sunday 21st August heralded our Worshipful Masters next social event, all made possible by the hospitality of our hosts, the lodge Junior Warden Bro. Chris Mason and his good lady, Sandra. The Pig Roast is a fund raising event, and this year any money raised was to be split between the Clock Tower military charity and the Worcestershire Provinces Festival 2022 appeal target.
Some 90 plus Brethren, family and friends made this yet another fantastic social event for White Ensign lodge, enjoying each others company with fine food and drink. Thanks go to Chris, Sandra, Claire and Leah and other helpers at the farm that made this event possible, to W.Bro. Les Leek our Mess Manager and Barman for his tireless efforts for making the social events happen, to W.Bro. Ian Fothergill for his tact and diplomacy in keeping things on an even keel, to W.Bro. Tom Kennedy our Treasurer for being fiscally astute, to Vikki Hart for her sterling efforts in devising the table quiz and finally to W.Bro. Ian Hart and Vikki for the execution of the raffle. The raffle could not take place without everyone’s generosity in contributing the prizes for the raffle. The amount raised for the two charities was a total of £1250 which has far exceeded the expectations of our WM.
“An amount I never dreamed we would achieve, which will be donated to the Festival appeal and to the Clock Tower military charity. I am proud to be the current WM of Worcestershire’s premier lodge. Thank you all for allowing me that honour and for the support you have given to our social events”. WM, W.Bro. Glyn Cardy
The bar has now been set high.