White Ensign Lodge No. 9169


White Ensign Lodge, based in Redditch in the glorious Province of Worcestershire, is conveniently situated in the heart of England.

White Ensign Lodge was originally established as a Freemason’s Lodge with strong Royal Navy and Royal Marines links and traditions. Nowadays, we have members with links to all branches of the armed services, the Merchant Navy, the ‘Blue Light’ emergency services, and those who have served under the Crown in any capacity.

White Ensign Lodge still maintains its’ Royal Navy traditions and is a vibrant, forward-looking, family-friendly, and fun Lodge that strives to provide that “Esprit de Corps”, camaraderie, fellowship, and friendship, so common in the military and emergency services.

Here we hope to keep our members and visitors up to date with our lodge and social activities. It also allows the public to see what we are doing in the local community and to provide them with further information should they wish to join us.

If you are already a freemason and would like to attend one of our meetings please contact our Secretary for further information. You will, as always, receive that legendary warm White Ensign welcome and enjoy a convivial meeting amongst old and new friends.

September Chapter Convocation

Tuesday 3rd September was White Ensign Chapter’s final convocation prior to the installation convocation in December so it required that the 3 Principals for the

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Welcome new Exaltee

Tuesday 4th June saw the Exaltation of Bro. Keith Roberts, a Master Mason in Forge Mill Lodge into White Ensign Chapter. The Chapter was opened by

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