Welcome new Exaltee

Tuesday 4th June saw the Exaltation of Bro. Keith Roberts, a Master Mason in Forge Mill Lodge into White Ensign Chapter.

The Chapter was opened by the 3 Principals, E.Comp Martin Green (Z), E.Comp Mike Sycamore (standing in as H) and E.Comp Glyn Cardy (J). The Chapter was honoured to have in our midst the Past MEGS of Worcestershire, E.Comp Jon Phenix who presented the Grand Chapter Certificate to Comp. Mike Tonkin and also provided an explanation of it. On conclusion of the presentation, a ballot was conducted for the Exaltation of Bro. Keith Roberts. The ballot proving successful, the Exaltation ceremony commenced for Bro. Keith Roberts. The Principal Sojourner Comp. Steve Moody did a superb piece of work delivering his ritual during the Ceremony.  

The convocation was concluded with the greetings from the visitors and the Chapter was duly closed by the 3 Principals. The Companions retired to the Festive Board and the following amounts were raised for Charity:

Alms collection – £150

Raffle – £150

Comp. Keith Roberts