Friday 1st December 2023 saw the installation of the new Worshipful Master of White Ensign Lodge. On the evening there were 16 brethren of White Ensign, 14 brethren from other lodges and 4 Provincial Team officers taking passage. The lodge was opened in the first degree by the Worshipful Master Martin Carver for the commencement of the lodge business which included a ballot for a new initiate into White Ensign. The Provisional Presiding Officer, W.Bro. MJ Dykes demanded admission and he and his Provisional team plus other Grand Officers were processed into the lodge room. The gavel passing to the Presiding Officer before being handed back to the Worshipful Master.
The brethren who were not Fellowcrafts left the lodge room prior to it being opened in the second degree, the obligation of the Master-elect, W.Bro. Stuart Maris was concluded and brethren who were not Master Masons left the lodge room prior to the lodge being opened in the third degree. Those Master Masons who were not Past Masters then departed the lodge room and the installation continued of the Master-elect. At various stages the brethren who had retired from the lodge room returned for the proclamation of the new Worshipful Master by the Immediate Past Master Martin Carver. The new Worshipful Master invested his Officers for the ensuing year. The Presiding Officer gave his address to the Worshipful Master, the Provisional Wardens then delivering their respective addresses to the lodge Wardens and the brethren of White Ensign.
On conclusion of the installation ceremony, the Presiding Officer and his Provisional team were processed out of the lodge room. The remaining business of the evening been concluded which encompassed the presentation of the Past Masters jewel to W.Bro. Martin Carver and a presentation of a block and gavel to W.Bro. Ian Fothergill for his outstanding service and contribution to White Ensign lodge over the years.

‘Cooks to the galley’ was piped by W.Bro. Tom Kennedy and shortly afterwards the lodge was closed. The assembled brethren duly retired downstairs for the customary ‘tot’ of rum. The festive board was congenial as ever and both the informal and formal toasts given. A total of £476.00 was raised for the evening and will be put to good use by the Charity Steward.
Congratulations also go to the following brethren on being made honorary members of White Ensign lodge:
W.Bro. Denis Woodhams, PPrAGDC, PPrGSwdB (Warks)
W.Bro. Roger Shayes, PPrGReg