On Sunday 12th December some 58 members, their ladies and guests once again mustered at Wishaw Golf and Country Club to enjoy another excellent Christmas Lunch.
During the course of the lunch, our “vocalist” had us all singing our favourite carols including the ever-popular “12 Days of Christmas”, which, once again, was rowdily enjoyed.
On completion our Worshipful Master, W. Bro. WO1 Glyn Cardy, introduced our raffle expressing his thanks to Ian and Vikki Hart for once again providing an exceptional array of gifts and prizes. More importantly, it also saw a collection of £515 being gained for our Charity Fund. £300 of which is destined for the Special Forces Memorial at the National Arboretum and the remainder into our 2022 Charity Chest.
This is such a popular venue and event that we have already made our booking for December 2022.