Friday 26th January was the first lodge meeting of the New Year and it commenced with the initiation of a new candidate. It is always a great occasion for White Ensign to welcome ‘new blood’ into the lodge and this was no exception. The initiation ceremony was a ‘first’ in many ways for White Ensign. The Worshipful Master W.Bro. Stuart Maris, duly initiated the candidate Mr Matthew Price into freemasonry and in particular into White Ensign. Our most recent initiate, Bro. Greg Cramb delivered the working tools and the Junior Warden, Bro. Paul Tuckley delivered the Charge to the Initiate for the first time.
A Grand Lodge Certificate was presented by W.Bro. Ian Hart to W.Bro. Mike Tonkin who had been previously initiated under the Irish Constitution.
The evening was suitably concluded with the Festive Board at which £380 was raised and was given to the Redditch Masonic Hall Charity for distribution to ‘local causes’.